Rabbit Saddle - Boneless - avg. 5 oz

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Rabbit Saddles are the meat from the main body of the rabbit, including the loins, flap meat and other meat from the torso. Saddle meat is especially tender, with a mild and easily adaptable flavor. Bone-in saddles offer more shape and structure than boneless saddles and most often roasted whole in Europe.

Tender, juicy and relatively lean, rabbit is a classic game meat that has long been part of Italian, French and other European cuisines. Rabbit is all white meat, sometimes described as a cross between chicken and veal, so it is a good base to showcase many sauces. Grupo Hermi has been breeding, raising and producing top quality rabbits in Spain for over 40 years. All vegetarian fed, with no added hormones or antibiotics. Air chilled for superior flavor.

Forty two ~5 oz saddles, ~14 lbs total. Origin: Spain